
Posted on 2014-10-13 22:26 in IC • Tagged with clock design, clock dividers


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FPGA 时钟设计 3 —— 跨时钟域设计

Posted on 2014-10-09 23:01 in IC • Tagged with clock design

总结 FPGA 中跨时钟域的设计

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FPGA 时钟设计 2 —— 时钟设计

Posted on 2014-09-12 12:45 in IC • Tagged with clock design

总结 FPGA 中的时钟设计方案

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FPGA 时钟设计 1 —— 时钟资源总结

Posted on 2014-08-28 22:45 in IC • Tagged with clock design, clock resource

总结 Xilinx FPGA 中的时钟资源

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