锁存器 Latch v.s. 触发器 Flip-Flop

Posted on 2014-09-23 23:02 in IC • Tagged with latch, flip-flop

总结 Latch 和 Flip-Flop

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VHDL 笔记 2 —— 系统设计

Posted on 2014-09-16 20:18 in IC • Tagged with VHDL, syntax

VHDL 笔记,系统设计

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VHDL 笔记 1 —— 电路设计

Posted on 2014-09-16 14:56 in IC • Tagged with VHDL, syntax

VHDL 笔记, 电路设计

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FPGA 时钟设计 2 —— 时钟设计

Posted on 2014-09-12 12:45 in IC • Tagged with clock design

总结 FPGA 中的时钟设计方案

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Posted on 2014-09-03 23:16 in Telecom • Tagged with digital procesing, matlab


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Xilinx FFT IP core 笔记

Posted on 2014-09-02 23:12 in IC • Tagged with FFT, IP core

使用 Xilinx FFT IP core (xfft v7.1) 的笔记

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FPGA 时钟设计 1 —— 时钟资源总结

Posted on 2014-08-28 22:45 in IC • Tagged with clock design, clock resource

总结 Xilinx FPGA 中的时钟资源

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Verilog 中的参数化建模

Posted on 2014-07-09 23:03 in IC • Tagged with parameterization

总结 Verilog 模块化建模的技术

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FPGA 数字处理基础 (2)

Posted on 2014-07-07 23:28 in IC • Tagged with digital processing

总结 FPGA 处理数字信号的基础知识 (2)

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扩展 ST2 Verilog 插件的 snippet

Posted on 2014-07-04 23:31 in Tools • Tagged with Sublime Text, verilog

给 Sublime Text 插件添加新的 snippet

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